- Throwing himself headfirst into the bath because he couldn't wait for it to finish filling up
- Eating Sienna's crayons and pencils
- Whacking the dvd player until it opens and grabbing the dvd out without being able to see what he is doing (all above his head height)
- Getting under my desk and unplugging the laptop
- Sucking in water from his drink bottle and then dribbling it down himself, over and over until he is soaked
The weather here is INSANE. Is currently hailing all over my washing. I really need this to clear up so I can garden on Saturday...

It even has subtle glitter highlights. Are you shocked?
I did a cute 'inner child' quiz the other day that someone had posted on Blue Bazaar, and apparently my inner child is sad. The description said " You're a very sensitive soul.
You haven't grown that thick skin that most adults have.
Easily hurt, you tend to retreat to your comfort zone.
You don't let many people in - unless you've trusted them for a long time."
Now, I agree that I am very sensitive. Always have been. Has taken a long time but I've pretty much accepted that this is not necessarily a bad thing. And I do keep to myself, generally, but not because I am sad - because I LIKE TO.
I think it is a common misconception that solitude is a bad thing. To some people it probably is, but to many introverts (such as myself), it is a requirement. I know I get claustrophobic at times if, for whatever reason, I have not had any real alone time in awhile. I need solitude to recharge my emotional energies. These does not make me sad (necessarily), though I think very sensitive people are probably more prone to depression / emotional issues than others. I don't know. But I just mean that NOT having solitude would make me depressed just as much as too much solitude would make an extrovert unhappy.
Hmm, maybe introverts think too much ;)
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