Read this and hug your kids a bit tighter. I did. Of course the bittersweet warm and fuzziness was somewhat dampened by the tantrum that ensued for some reason, as the kids fought over some item or other. But what on earth would we do without them.
Of course, it is a great new foundation to keep in mind for fundraising ideas or charitable donations. And there is information on the site that I wasn't aware of, about kids sharing food and stuff like that. Stuff to think about in a practical sense as well.
So, I did a layout the other day while I was proofing photos. It was so intuitive and fast, which was cool. Well not fast in actual time since I was doing two things at once, but if I totalled the time on the layout itself, definitely under an hour, which is fast for me. I had lyrics in my head from my current fave cd -
this album, recommended by
this amazing woman. Love her blog. Love her work. Go Tara.
Anyhow, had lyrics in my head, had the new
Sass Lass papers from Kiti Q, just delivered to me by my lovely sister Kelly. Well that day or the day before or something. And the proof sheet from our
Wild Creative Photography session last year was sitting on my desk. It all just MADE SENSE. And so I made it. Yay! There are a couple of bits of Q Tea Kits in there as well, plus two die-cuts from the new Daisy D's Wonder Years range, which I am totally in love with. Between that and the new Sass Lass I am just overwhelmed. So many beautiful papers. Close-ups of this layout are on
my flickr.

Hey did you know that the author Jodi Picoult will be in Mt Barker for a signing in mid-May? Cool, hey. Tell Bec maybe? (That was for my sister Hayley, everyone else, in case you wondered)
Ooh I got a fabulous camera strap for my Canon - from the gorgeous
Emily, of course.
Buy them on etsy. Here is a pic of it along with the goodies she added to my parcel, what a sweetie. Speaking of Em, she is doing a thing on her blog called 'stash it forward'. The idea being that those of us lucky enough to have big stashes with regular injections of new product could probably spare some for the more budget-restricted scrappers out there. I certainly could spare some cool things, so I will be adding a 'stash it forward' to this blog tonight or tomorrow. Keep an eye out, any of you who need supplies but can't afford them, or know someone in that position. By tomorrow. OK.

Yesterday afternoon the kids and I went in the garden to take some photos. Had fun with the remote control and these little concrete toadstools I have. Bought them
here, well from the real life shop, not the website, but these are the same people. Don't you just adore that silhouette on the homepage? It is on their business cards too, I have one on my inspiration board. Which is totally not big enough for me. But that's another story. Here are some pics. Please excuse the rubbish quality, you can check them out properly if you like on
my flickr instead.

OK so I have joined
RedBubble and am starting to add some artwork there. So far I have a few photos and a painting available to purchase as cards or prints. Eventually I thought I'd do art prints etc on etsy, but in the meantime this is the only way to buy any of my stuff. Just in case anyone wanted to, LOL. Am going to try and increase the number of artworks there, just need to get better images of some of my paintings. Here is one photo on there that would make a cute card I think.

I'm off now to make a nice parcel for my stash it forward :)