OK now it is gone. Weird. No posts for a few days, things are a bit crazy as usual. I have a deadline which for once is approaching before I finish the project. Hmm better finish that. Also my kids are sick. Again. And both of them had nasty temps yesterday, especially last night, with Ash vomiting multiple times, but not eating anything. He is currently flopped on my lap in his pj's, while they watch Pingu. Thank goodness for laptops and wireless.
Anyhow, I have scanned the 'Snap' page from my previous post and I think the colour is more accurate now. I can't be sure, but it's here anyway ;)
This first layout I did for Ngaire's beautiful blog. I was reminded of a line from one of my teenage poems, called 'Symphony'. The layout has about the last third of the poem. The end of it anyway ;) I wrote it in 1997, so I was 16. It seemed appropriate though, and I am really happy with the layout.
It uses more of my favourite Hambly products, a Heidi Swapp damask sticker Kell gave me, a fabric clasp from one of the vintage cheongsams in my fabric boxes, used the Heidi Swapp bird and branch mask for the background. Um, what else. Making Memories 'winter' trim. A little dragonfly charm I picked up the other day, a Scenic Route arrow from Kiti Q, and a MME Magnolia paper - also from Kiti Q. The letters are from the Tinkering Ink die-cut alphabet. I had to steal the green 'e' from Kell, as I know I haven't used mine, but I popped it out and lost it! My desk being in chaos probably doesn't help with that. LOL.

"Ripped apart at the seams,
I am put together again,
Now by music,
And my heart has more power
Than ever before.
My garden, my womb,
The symphony of my soul.
The blood flows from me,
I am strong.
I can be beautiful, too, you know.
And that I am, and always was,
Just for you.
But now it is for me too.
The music is mine.
The symphony is me."
I forgot to mention this little word accent on 'Snap!' is a Crafty Matters ceramic tile exclusive to Kiti Q (so funky). Check 'em out here.