Reclaiming Beauty and other everyday things

From Picture to Page was a big success, with Kiti Q meeting target and getting lots of exposure to local (Melbourne) scrappers. It was also fun, we had a little stereo tucked behind so we could have funky music playing. Varied from Jamie Cullum jazz styles, Australian indie style pop like Missy Higgins and Kate Miller-Heidke, through to the Afro-Cuban All Stars and jazz-influenced electronica by Koop.

Here are some pics of Kiti Q's stall - check out Kell and Jude in their super cute Kiti Q aprons!

I can hear Ash playing with the ice cube trays but will ignore him for a moment - sometimes telling him off every five minutes is just too hard and I pretend I haven't noticed his naughtiness. For a few minutes anyway. OK I'd better go stop him, LOL.

OMG it is hilarious. Ash has gone into size 2 and has only a few pair of pants that fit. With the weather being as it is, they haven't been able to dry, and so he is totally out of pants and long-sleeved tops to wear. So I've put him in a pair of Sienna's trackpants. LOL. They fit fine, and are grey, but you can tell from the cut that they are not boys clothes. I also found a size 3 flannel shirt that was handed down to us. He's a bit of a mismatch today. Poor little guy. Hehe.

OK back to the point. I also met this lovely lady Donna from the Cardboard Cafe - she's been having trouble with her web developers, so the site is not functional yet, but you can tell it's going to be super sweet :) I also met Tam, apparently - Hello Tam! Though I didn't realise it at the time. Tam, I have to tell you I remember your layouts from SAM because I always liked them so much! Cool girl that one :)

Check out what Ngaire Bartlam's been up to - encouraging us all to reclaim beauty. What a fantastic idea. It reminds me of an article I love that I cut out of Vogue magazine when I was 15. Maybe I'll post it later.

Here is a layout I did yesterday morning for the Blue Bazaar cybercrop that was on Saturday. My goodness, was that funny. Couldn't scrap though, could barely keep up with the chat and trivia! Jaimie, in particular, is a crack-up (and a wee bit naughty). Funny stuff.

Now, I'm sure you know of the book 'She' from Compendium, it's very cool and positive for women of all ages. I first saw it a few years ago in a shop in Hahndorf, of all places, and couldn't afford it at the time. Recently I picked it up from Tarisota, and I chose this quote out of it to make a canvas. This is going to my lovely cousin Bec. Eventually, LOL. Whenever I see her next.


Tam said...

OK. I promise I'll say hi properly next time!

I love your canvas - I think I might have to 'canvas-lift' that for a couple of my friends who need some positive affirmation in their lives.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that canvas is very cool!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love this canvas. Love the idea, the concept and the way you've pulled it off. Totally cool.

Anonymous said...

Awesome work canvas Queen. Glad to hear you had a good w/e at the show.

Bec said...

Oooh! That canvas is gorgeous - thanks babe, You are truly brilliant; you're the one that nudges and then breaks the limb :)

Now all I have to do is get to Melbourne, hmm...

Anonymous said...

Me naughty?? never :o)

love the canvases D - amazing work.