We flew home from Adelaide last night, got home at about 9:30 I think. It was so funny, the Qantas check-in girl asked me where we were going, and I said 'Adelaide'. She says 'You're in Adelaide sweetie'. So I said 'Oh yeah, I meant the other one. Melbourne. The one where I live!' It was v. funny.
I just edited a few shots to pop on here, but I actually haven't edited the shoots as yet. These are just previews, for Bec, Hayley, etc ;) Here is a photo of Caden on Hayley's shoulder, one of Caden and my mum, one of Hayley and Ash, and a few from the photo shoot of Bec and Joel. That was HILARIOUS and lots of fun! Couldn't stop laughing. Neither could Bec, which was a bit of a problem ;) Just kidding, there will be some super cool photos in there. The other little bub is from the photo shoot I did of my cousin Matt's baby daughter Paige.
I haven't photographed my Creative Edge projects yet. I did two classes, one with Zina Wright on Friday night - a little mini album project which I haven't finished yet. The other was with Kate Mason on Saturday, and I left that double page layout with mum to put in her 'grandkids' album. It was a really nice layout, and suited my photos of Sienna fine, but was really just too girly for my taste. For that reason I was a bit disappointed with that class. The layout was fun to make, and Kate taught a couple of cool new techniques, but it just hadn't been what I was expecting. With the class called 'Let's get Arty', I thought perhaps paint would be involved, and bright colours etc. The pink florals, gingham and ribbon worked beautifully on the layout, but are just not my idea of 'arty'. I guess that is my own fault though - for assuming others have the same definitions of things as I do! It was still a good class.
Got to hang out with Bec on Friday, which was fantastic. Loved that, and had lots of laughs when she came to the Zina class with me. It was hectic, and a bit overwhelming for poor Bec, but I love Zina's paper and colour choices, and funky techniques. It was a fun night! I started to get really tired by the end though, and kept phasing out halfway through little conversations. Felt a bit stupid, but was just very tired though.
I have noticed lately, though, that my internal monologue is starting to drown out actual conversations taking place around me. I am not multi-tasking in that way as well as I used to, and unfortunately the things other people are saying seem to be the first things to drop off my radar. The weird bit is I don't notice until I come back to the conversation and realise I just weirded out for a minute, missing out on some crucial conversational content. It's starting to trip me out a bit.
Matt, Ben's little brother, is staying with us this week and Sienna is calling him 'Puck' instead of 'Matt'. It's quite strange. She repeats 'Matt' perfectly if I prompt her, but returns to calling him 'Puck'!
1 comment:
These pics are just gorgeous Danielle. You can really see the connections going on.
Cheers, Leanne
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