Wow, yesterday was the BEST MAIL DAY EVER! I was so happy I didn't know what to look at first. What a brilliant way to start the week. The first delivery was my normal mail, which included a lovely thank you card from one of my wedding photography clients and two small parcels (not tiny - just fit in the letterbox size).

One parcel was from my childhood friend Rosie, sharing some fab music with me - I just love new music to listen to! I've listened to all of them now and the one I absolute love is this one - Fisherman's Woman by
Emiliana Torrini (nice name too!).

The other parcel was all squishy and intriguing, I opened it up to find a whole collection of inspirational supplies and bits to play with from my gorgeous friend
Viv! So many goodies, so little time... I was so excited and also thrilled to see those little white wings, I'd almost bought some from
here the other week but decided to wait. And how cool are those copper letters DQ? So cool.

Then Kell came over and dropped off some papers and die-cuts from the brand new
Infuse range from Basic Grey. Such gorgeous colours and patterns. I was telling her how it was my best mail day ever.

AND THEN at about 2:30 I got a package delivery - first the guy brought two packages, he handed them to me and said there is more - the others had been registered post and he thought I wasn't home (no car in the driveway). So in total he delivered 5 MORE PARCELS! I was stunned - all this in one day. Here is the pile of parcels from the afternoon.
So, the little one was an XBOX game I'd bought Ben from Germany (by ebay), a really rare one he couldn't find in Australia.

The box at the bottom was my order from Amazon - two f&w publications new releases. The one I was most excited about is, of course,
'That's Life' by that sweetest of women and writers,
Nic Howard. Looks really cool, but I remember Nic mentioning it was a book to be read rather than flicked, ideally, so I restrained myself and left it for bedside and cup-of-tea reading time. I got all teary reading the acknowledgements tho. Gorgeous. The other book is '
Find your Groove', about identifying your scrapbooking style. I was borderline 'hip and trendy' and 'anything goes'. Interesting... ;)

One of the pizza boxes was a layout of mine returned from
For Keeps, it is of mum and dad and will be in issue 57 I think it is, the heartfelt journaling category. The other pizza box was from Pauline at
Fireside Crafts with the Scenic Route Laurel collection inside - love it :) I already have a bunch of these papers, but I really wanted the ones I was missing, and also they are great on both sides, so multiple uses are very handy. This was a lovely thank you for my help redesigning her website. Ooh almost forgot to announce, I am now officially on the Fireside Crafts
'Candlelit Kits' design team! Thanks Pauline!

Last, but definitely definitely not least, is the beautiful "mail art" envelope from my dear friend
Sylvia in Germany. It contained the latest
ScrapArtZine - the German scrapbooking mag - in which Sylvia has an article (which looks awesome, but of course I can't read much of it, LOL). I love this mag, European scrappers seem so bright and colourful in their work, I love it. Sylvia also included some cute gifts for me and Sienna - I love Sheepworld, how gorgeous is that mouse pad? Some little butterfly embellishments, so funky, and a super sweet little notebook for Sienna. Here are some pics of Sienna with her pressie - she sat down and drew inside it straight away!

And you know, this morning I also received a parcel first thing (8am) which was my order from ScrapTherapy - even more goodies! So I just HAVE to scrap. Actually yesterday afternoon I was so inspired from all my deliveries that I did scrap, and it is one of my favourite layouts ever now. Not sure how long that will last, you know how it is, but I can't share (wait for SC#47 I think it is). More scrapping planned for today :)
I photographed my Making Memories 'Funky Vintage' themed album for
Paper Pesto, but sharing THAT will have to wait, all this mail is just too exciting. Man, how can I possibly feel low with so much thoughtfulness and love coming my way, you guys are amazing. Sunshine for my soul.
Far out! That is a lot of really cool mail! I'd be pretty excited if that happened at my place. It never happens at my place. LOL.
Wow - that's an AWESOME mail day!
I love Emiliana Torrini - she's been on repeat on my iTunes for a while now. Beautiful music to scrap to.
Wow, what a MAIL DAY! Brilliant! Glad you all like your little presents :)
day dq!!!
You must be in mail heaven.
Love the look of the new Basicgrey infuse papers.
Happy scrapping.
how cool girl! have fun ;)
L x
wow! you lucky girl!!! what awesome mail to receive! The pics you took are great too!
wow! you lucky girl!!! what awesome mail to receive! The pics you took are great too!
You must be in mail heaven.
Love the look of the new Basicgrey infuse papers.
Happy scrapping.
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