Someone said to me how do I feel about her being "labelled". I don't really feel like it's a label as much as an explanation - it's not who she is, it is a condition which explains the way she sees things, ways which are not always obvious to others because they are different. It also explains why she struggles to regulate her emotions. This is great for her as having that understanding increases our empathy for her at times when she can seem on the outside to be, quite frankly, a real brat.
Someone else said to me "sorry", and as much as I see that this expression is coming from a loving place, I don't feel that it is something to be sorry about either. Sienna hasn't changed - she is who she is, wildly creative, quirky, crazy, funny and cute. Recognising Aspergers will just help us understand her better. And as someone who has always been a bit different from the norm, I'm happy to teach her about the positives of having such a unique perspective. Though I do realise it's fair to feel sorry for us having to deal with the more difficult behaviours. But it's not that big a deal, it's just what we need to work with to have this wonderful, fascinating girl in our lives. I'm grateful to have her, I love that she is quirky and has such a wonderful imagination and instinctive creativity.
One of her latest ideas is that she is the Queen of the world. Apparently Cedar is the King! In her own world they are the two most important people, (um, poor Ash - left out!). Funny little thing. On that note, here is another photo of the little man, lying beside the Australian Cedar tree that Pop planted for him after he was born - cute!

Great post. Love your perspective & attitude. I agree, the knowledge is so helpful but its not all she is. Celebrate all her wonderfullness - is that a word?
wow, great blog makeover! you know i've been wanting to have links on the left and right side of my blog posts for soo long, so maybe you can help me do it when you're over here??
Every child is unique, "labelled" or not. Sienna is a beautiful, special little girl! And she's ever so lucky to have been born into a family like yours!!!
I love the way you think, and am sure you will have a wonderful life with your gorgeous family.
My 'Baby' has just been diagnosed with Aspergers, he is 20 and six feet tall, and you are so right, it is an explanation not a label, and i have just missed the signs for all those years, it was only recently that things got really bad for him,that some one listened to me, and finally, an explanation.
I have five children, including a son with Down's, so i guess in all the other stuff going on all my life, i thought Beau was just a quiet child, nevertheless, they are all my most Brilliant achievement.
Life is a Roller Coaster, but what a Great ride it is.
PS...Love your Scrapping...
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