Newspaper and other stuff

This is the before and in-the-middle process (not exactly after, now the oven is here, but time for the tricky technical gas and electrickery etc). Doesn't the new oven look cool? It is, in fact, so nice looking that the rest of my kitchen is going to look rubbish in comparison, LOL.

Here is the snippet from one of the local newspapers about my exhibition - it is exciting to see it in print there :)

I just received my copies of the new Memory Makers magazine which features highlights from last year's Memory Makers Masters competition. Here is the layout of mine that is in there... it was the theme layout of the entry (you do 4 of your own choice and one on the assigned theme, which was 'I Wish').

Stay tuned... I did a mini album to remember the journey Kell has had with Kiti Q over the past three years, and forgot to photograph it before I gave it to her at the last Scrap N Chat. BUT I am going to steal it back to photograph, and will post it here soon ;)

1 comment:

vita said...

Oooh, how cool is that to have your name printed on paper. I can read it ... Danielle Quarmby ... :)

Great dandelion photo. That's what I have in mind when I did my assignment for FK last summer, but I can't find any decent dandelion. Drought just kill them.

Anyway, pop over my blog if you have time. I left you an award. :)