Found that quote today when looking for something to put on my layout. It wasn't the one I used but I do really like it! Very pleased with my page, after looking at it for too long, not knowing if it was rubbish or brilliant, going away, coming back, adding things, taking things away, sticking it all down and not caring, etc. It is done now and I like it :) Can't show it unfortunately as it is pre-booked, so to speak. But since I just finished it ten minutes ago it is part of my current state of mind...
Which is fairly random I must admit. I think I had a good day, in that it wasn't really bad. Actually, Ash fell over (as he does on a regular basis, going a mile a minute with no thought for the consequences), and he actually split his lower lip. He has done this before, also, but it was quite nasty. Still, he only took about two minutes to recover and smile happily at Toy Story, which I had quickly put on to distract him. So the day itself wasn't a shining happy one or anything, but I didn't feel very bad. Also Ash is fine, he always seems to be after these dramatic injuries or near-death experiences.
What was I going to say? I can't remember. I could also delete that, but feel kind of random in thought this evening so it is quite an accurate reflection of my mood. To forget and not remember again.
I must remember some things I have to do. There are a few things, letters to write, funds to organise for various purposes, project/s to put together.

Ooh before I forget - am very excited this week to be getting new products to play with! Woohoo Kiti Q! LOL that sounds so weird. Anyhow, Basic Grey 'Phoebe' range and also all the new release from Urban Lily are coming in to Kiti Q and I will be shopping up a storm! Kell also got the COOLEST things in that are just perfect for me because they are DRAGONFLIES!! Love the dragonflies. Check them out here - just waiting for a project I can put them on. Fun stuff.
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