A bunch of layouts to share today, as the kids watch Winnie the Pooh in German in the background. They don't seem to mind that it's in a different language today, and it gives me a bit of variety ;)
OK so my article in Scrapbook Creations is about stepping outside your comfort zone, and here are three of the layouts, I didn't photograph the mini album (which is also a gift for Bec so I wouldn't show it yet anyway) and 'Beautiful Specific Details', the one of the lattes in Hamburg. My name is on the cover this issue, which is very exciting :)

This layout is based on Ngaire's sketch on Sketches Oz (link in sidebar, I'm feeling lazy today), kept pretty simple and based on the reverse side of one of the new Cherry Arte papers from Kiti Q.
Congrats on your article!! Loved it!! I love your style so much, and now Im looking forward to using some of your tips!! xoxo
I love your work it is GORGEOUS.
Gorgeous as always Danielle :)
Gorgoeus layouts. LOL... about the kids watching Winnie the Pooh in German. Amanda used to love watching Sleeping Beauty in Mandarin. Not that we understand any. LOL...
Yeah, go kids, you'll catch up on your mum's German LOL! Gorgeous work Danielle, I especially love the Sienna nature girl one!
great pages dQ! can't wait to see the whole article!
The article was great...not bad going from having your name left out completely from your last article to front cover..well deserved!
Oh they are awesome!!
Your work is unreal Danielle. I am going to miss seeing it around EB. I hope you dont mind if I add you to my blog list so I can stalk you regualy LOL
Gorgeous as always Danielle :)
I love your work it is GORGEOUS.
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